Health and Environment: Facing a Climate Emergency


Health and Environment: Facing  a Climate Emergency


NOTE: Earth Day Community Day on Zoom, April 24

Contemplative responses to Climate Emergency


Recent voices from UN leaders and environmental scientists call on us to focus on the urgency of addressing climate change issues to prevent dramatic worsening impacts on our health and lives.

Climate change is now a health emergency and a great threat to public health. History is no guide to its impacts and approaches to public health. We now need to listen to the experts and science. A healthy humanity depends on a healthy planet and the need is great to recognize the indivisibility of nature and human well-being. (How human behaviour impacts on the health of the earth and how an unhealthy earth impacts on human health)

The relation between environmental health and individual health is often indirect, complex-may be long term, not easily quantifiable; localised; and relates to risks and vulnerabilities which may affect physical and mental health. Many diseases of the our time  are attributable to  environmental factors…eg new pathogens, malaria; covid19, dengue and many  illnesses are attributable to environmental degradation from pesticides, deforestation; use of fossil fuels; air pollution, etc

Living as we are in a world of distractions, the prevalence of social media which amplifies disinformation, with news coming to us in brief sound bites, it is hard to  live in awareness  of and to act out of the attentiveness of this reality- that of a sacred interconnected universe to which our actions are causing critical imbalances.

The need for a new integrated consciousness is urgent- to integrate our own inner being and to see with contemplative eyes.

Fth Laurence has said…”contemplative prayer awakens our sense of connection and responsibility for and to the wondrous creation we are part of. Because meditation heals the excessive individualism of our culture and restrains its inherent self centred ness we can truly see the relevance of a deep spirituality to the healing of our wounded environment”


Generally we see a news item of yet another catastrophic weather event in a part of our world. Generally we don’t fully take, or act from the reality the interconnected nature of what is unfolding from changes already locked in by our misuse of the planet and their consequences. We have become exploiters rather than caretakers of our common home. This requires action individually, to create an inner spaciousness and responsiveness to the needed outer challenges ,individual, social and political.

Fr.Laurence has suggested a recent graphic resource Climate Emergency: Feedback Loops,”  could be considered a forum for discussion in the context of a contemplative approach to the health of the planet, in the light of this year as the WCCM Year of Health.

It gives a sharp focus on the  accelerating changes happening in the underlying climate .This short series gives a  a valuable insight into the feedback loops  already occurring  and locking in changes to the balance which maintains all life supporting systems. Many risks are simultaneous and overlapping….eg deforestation and flooding; drought and fires

“Because many climate impacts are already locked-in, we must learn to live in a new era of drought, floods, and megafires. It’s equally clear that far greater dangers lie ahead if we fail to act with the urgency and determination that the science demands,” said Dr Glasser.  (Dr Glasser was until recently the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Assistant Secretary General and Head of the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).


What is a contemplative view re environment?

Based on experience which meditation gives of a deeper, interconnected  sense of self, a grounding in the reality of our being, it helps transform our relationship with all of creation and to live with more responsibility and attentiveness to the beauty and wonder of creation.We, humanity , are part of the evolving planet. In this disruption we are the cause of the changing conditions and feedback loops and face an urgent need to take a contemplative view—-one which can encompass the many interlocking changes and our role in the disruption and well as the challenges we face  in our actions towards healing the earth. How are we to change?  We are called to be more. The series awakens us to the invisible energies impacting our lives and reminds us of of the fundamental spiritual energy asked us us…that of love for each other, the creator and creation.Over time we have used different lens through which we see and act in our world. We may have been  focused on our our individual self, our society, our nation, evolution, planet, spiritual  values and now are being called to embrace an all-encompassing lens focusing  on the interconnected web of life on our planet and spiritual values we bring.  We need  to see with new eyes our place in the web of life, our connections with all beings through space and time,  and the kind of power  and attention that is ours for creating a sustainable civilization.’

Health and Environment; Health or wealth? A crisis of values


What do we value? Our economic model is focused on financial values  but does not attribute monetary ‘value  to ‘externalities” (environmental costs) as economies call such effects as CO2 emissions from use of coal, land degredation, etc. We distort human values with monetary values. The roots of the crisis are  a crisis of values…what climate change , induced by the pressures and stresses placed on the environment by our excessive consumerism, destroys has not been not formally valued.

Returning to our deepest common human values  on our common home with learnings from the pandemic…our shared vulnerability;  the  focus from national sovereignty  to a shared  home’ ; from ‘ separate self’ to collective ‘we’; reliant on health of the planet;  recognising indivisibility of nature and human well-being. (How human behaviour impacts on the health of the earth and how an unhealthy earth impacts on human health)


In the past we have seen ourselves as separate from nature…..???

What are our deepest values? How do our scriptures guide us?


Health experts are saying that climate change will be the major impact on public health in our future.


2021 is a critical year for collective action  towards promises made at Paris Conference   5 years ago and global leaders are  seeking new commitments to implement these agreements  at COP26 in the face of failure of  action to date to limit the rise in temperature.

Mark Carney .Now UN Special Envoy for Climate at COP26

Recent BBC series ……Reith Lectures Dec 2020

The Reith Lectures, 2020: Mark Carney - How ... - BBC Radio 4 › programmes


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